MedPyLabs Forum Rules and Guidelines
Welcome to the MedPyLabs community! To ensure a positive and productive experience for all members, we ask that you adhere to the following rules and guidelines:

Respect and Professionalism: Treat all members with respect and professionalism. Personal attacks, harassment, or disrespectful behaviour will not be tolerated.
Relevance: Keep posts relevant to the forum's purpose - discussing artificial intelligence in healthcare. Irrelevant content will be removed.
Search Before Posting: To keep the forum organised, please search the forum before posting a question to see if it has already been answered.
No Spamming: Refrain from posting spam, self-promotion, or advertisements. This includes unsolicited promotion of products, services, or websites.
Confidentiality and Privacy: Do not share confidential or private information. This includes patient data, proprietary information, or any content that violates privacy laws.
Intellectual Property Rights: Respect intellectual property rights. Only share content that you own or have permission to use.
Constructive Discussions: Encourage constructive discussions—critique ideas, not people. Be open to differing viewpoints and learn from each other.
No Medical Advice: This forum is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be used for giving or receiving medical advice.
Language: Use clear and professional language. Avoid slang, jargon, and abbreviations as much as possible to ensure understanding by all members, regardless of their background.
Reporting Violations: If you see a post that violates these rules, please report it to the moderators for review.
Moderation: Moderators reserve the right to edit, move, or delete content that does not adhere to these rules and to ban users who violate them.
Changes to Rules: These rules may be updated or modified at any time to ensure the smooth functioning of the forum.
By participating in this forum, you agree to these rules and guidelines. We aim to foster a vibrant community where we can all learn, share, and grow in the field of AI in healthcare.
Thank you for being a part of MedPyLabs Forum!